Staff and faculty are welcome, as always, at campus dining commons, which are all open as of today (Sept. 20). But come tomorrow, our food and beverage options will multiply, in campus-run facilities and the ASUCD Coffee House, and from a half-dozen food trucks. Plus, what’s the news about napkins? See the answer in the box below.
Here are the openings set for Wednesday (Sept. 21) in campus-run facilities:
- Silo Market & Deli (South Silo)
- Crêpe Bistro (Silo)
- The Gunrock restaurant and bar (Silo)
- Sage Street Restaurant (UC Davis West Village)
Spokes Grill in the Silo is already open (it did not close for summer).
Other Dining Services facilities that are open for business: Scrubs Café (Health Sciences District); residential markets (Segundo, Tercero and Cuarto); Peet's Coffee at the ARC, Silo and King Hall; and Sage Street Market & Cafe (UC Davis West Village).
See hours of operation for campus-run facilities.
The Coffee House will reopen two platforms on Wednesday:
- Ikoma Sushi/Mandalay Express (sushi, pho)
- Grab ‘n’ Go (beverages, sandwiches, salads, burritos, etc.)
Two other platforms are already open: Swirlz (coffee, baked goods and smoothies), which did not close for summer; and Ciao (pizza by the slice), which reopened during Summer Session II.
A Coffee House satellite operation, CoHo South Café (Student Community Center) will reopen Monday (Sept. 26).
See hours of operation here. Due to limited staffing, TxMx Grill, Fickle Pickle Deli, Croutons and Cooks (all in the Coffee House) and BioBrew (Sciences Lab Building) are closed.
Here are the food trucks headed to campus on Wednesday: Star Ginger, Authentic Street Taco, Fresh Fried, Shah's Halal, The Fry Boys and Super Doner Kabob. See the food truck schedule.
New from Dining Services
- Order ahead at Peet’s Silo with GET (app or web browser) — You must have an Aggie Cash account to use GET. Learn more at a tabling event starting at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 29.
- The Gunrock is now taking reservations.
- Aggie Swipe Plus — Flexible meal plan for all staff and students, who can buy as many swipes as desired for $11 each, for meals at all dining commons.
- Aggie Cash Plus — Program for students and staff offers 10% off when using Aggie Cash at Spokes Grill, The Gunrock, Peet’s Coffee (all locations), Sage Street Market & Café and all dining commons and markets, including Latitude.
Aggie Cash Plus and Aggie Swipe Plus can be purchased in person at the Meal Card Office on the third floor of the Segundo Services Center (Suite 3100), or by calling 530-752-6335. More information is available online.

The biggest news from Dining Services does not have anything to do with food or beverages! In the interest of sustainability, Dining Services has replaced paper napkins with reusable linen napkins in the dining commons, becoming one of the first universities in the nation to make this transition.
Media Resources
Dateline Staff: Dave Jones, editor, 530-752-6556,; Cody Kitaura, News and Media Relations specialist, 530-752-1932,