With the recent snowfall, many are heading to the Sierra to start their ski or snowboard seasons. There are things you can and should do first, however, to help avoid injury on the slopes.
“The chances of getting hurt are higher at first, because these aren’t year-round sports and you probably haven’t worked the important muscle groups very hard in a while,” said surgeon Cassandra Lee, chief of orthopaedic sports medicine at UC Davis Health.
See which injuries are the most common and how skiers and snowboarders can prevent them in the above video and on the UC Davis Health website.

Facebook: Staff bowling signups open until Wednesday (Jan. 8)
UC Davis Games Area: Staff League signups for Winter Quarter are open! Leagues are a great way to challenge yourself, have fun with your coworkers, and meet new people – all quarter long and at a discounted rate! Sign up now for bowling or billiards now!! [Click for link]
Nurse mentors student whose life she saved 15 years ago
Connie Rogers, a registered nurse at UC Davis Health who mentors nursing students, recently worked with a familiar name: a man whose life she saved in 2005. Hear their story in the above video.

Instagram: Foggy Laff
UC Davis: Foggy morning across campus. Stay safe out there, Aggies.