Animal Docs Write Book for Dog Lovers

Move over, Dr. Spock, there's a new medical reference guide hitting the market -- on dogs, that is. The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine has just published the "UC Davis Book of Dogs," written by faculty and staff members of the school to provide veterinary medical information to everyone from dog owners to professional breeders. "Most dog owners make as many trips to the veterinarian as they do to the pediatrician," says Dr. Donald Low, professor emeritus of veterinary medicine, who coordinated the more than 30 contributing authors. "We hope that this book will, in a sense, enable dog fanciers to take the veterinarian home with them." The book was written in conjunction with editor Mordecai Siegal, a nationally known author of dog books. It spans the broad spectrum of canine veterinary medicine, including an overview of dog breeds, tips on life-threatening emergencies and preventive medical strategies. The 538-page book, published by HarperCollins, is available in bookstores.

Media Resources

Pat Bailey, Research news (emphasis: agricultural and nutritional sciences, and veterinary medicine), 530-219-9640,