danielle lei portrait at uc davis

My name is Danielle Leiand I’m a second-year Managerial Economics major and Communications minor. My hometown is in the foggy city of San Francisco, CA., so moving to Davis has definitely been a temperature change for sure. Being able to work for and represent the very university I attend is incredibly exciting because I get to help my very own community and share my perspective as a UCD student.

With social media already being such a powerful tool, I believe having a student perspective for a university account is much more effective in connecting with their vast and diverse audience. I’m really looking forward to learning more about what goes on behind the scenes on social media accounts across various platforms, as well as I would like to be able to further expand my skills in various fields that relate to strategic communications.

Fun facts about me

  • I represented the US in the opening ceremony of the world's largest youth soccer tournament in Sweden that I also competed in
  • I made international news for selling Girl Scout cookies in front of a cannabis dispensary in 2014
  • I got my drivers license last year, but I've probably only driven about 40 times (in SF, we bus or walk everywhere)