C-STEM schools robotics day at UC Davis, Orange County

May 30, Saturday: Budding young robotics experts will gather at UC Davis and in Orange County for C-STEM Day, organized by the UC Davis Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education. Over 100 teams from middle and high schools are expected to take part.

The UC Davis event will be held at the ARC Pavilion on campus, and the Orange County event will be at the Orange County Department of Education building, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Both events run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and are open to the public.

Students will be taking part in “RoboPlay” programming challenges and showing videos they have made in class over this academic year using robots. The UC Davis site will also hold a math programming competition.

C-STEM Day caps a year of working with science, technology, engineering and math curricula developed by the UC Davis C-STEM Center. The students used small reconfigurable robots to learn programming, algebra, and math in a fun and accessible way.

Support for the center and C-STEM Day comes from the National Science Foundation, California Department of Education, Barobo Inc., Hewlett-Packard Inc. and other sponsors. 

Media Resources

Andy Fell, Research news (emphasis: biological and physical sciences, and engineering), 530-752-4533, ahfell@ucdavis.edu

Heidi Espindola, C-STEM Center, (530) 752-9082, hespindola@ucdavis.edu

Merry Kim, Irvine Valley College, mkim209@ivc.edu

Secondary Categories

Society, Arts & Culture Science & Technology
